Friday, August 22, 2008

What's All The Hype

In the beauty world today, every slogan is booming with words like Dead Sea Mud, Dead Sea Salts, All Natural, Essential Oils, and Herbal, this is just to name a few. What is all of this and what is it all about?

Well, in the age of being more conscience of what we put on and in our bodies, I decided to take a further glance into the world of natural health.

Dead Sea mud & salt is from the Dead Sea in Jordan and Israel and studies have shown its natural abilities are very healthy for your skin. Before we look at the how, let us look at the ways it is beneficial.

Improves blood circulation and skin generation

Proven to provide relief for skin disorders such as eczema, acne, wrinkles, and psoriasis.

The find mud grains cleanse the skin and gently peel away dead skin cells to reveal a more youthful and healthier skin underneath.

It also helps with ailments like arthritis, muscle stiffness and aches, rheumatism, and joint inflammation.

Now, how or why can dirt from a sea do all of this? The Dead Sea contains a high concentration of salts and minerals, which are absorbed into the mud. By using Dead Sea products, you are giving your skin natural minerals that your skin needs everyday such as, potassium, magnesium, sodium, bromine, and calcium. In addition, as it dries it pulls out toxins that may be present in your skin cells from everyday diets. With all these combining factors, it will keep your skin looking healthy for a long time.

Essential Oils are oils distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. They are oxygenating and help transport nutrients to the cells within our body. One of the most popular applications is the field of aromatherapy, however, using products will essential oils are beneficial because our skin absorbs them into our body. Some people love that they can provide stress relief, soothe inflammation, act as an antiseptic, and revive us. Each oil has its own natural ability and with a combination of many oils, you receive many benefits in one application.

Well, I could talk all day about this subject but we can give it a more detailed look in the future. For now, I have been making my own Dead Sea and Essential Oil products and I must say that it does have its benefits. If you look to your right you will see my link if you want to sneak a peek at them.

The biggest question is, can it be proven? Well, as always, what works for one may not work for another so it’s just something you will have to try for yourself. Until next time, Rena

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You've been tagged!